For NetApp products, there is not a lot of documentation,
Engineers are expensive.
I would recommend not buying NetApp equipment if you can avoid it,
I would recommend not purchasing NetApp equipment, but if you already have it, it will require some learning on your part.
(However, it does have the advantage of being stable.)
I write this in hopes that it will help others.
This article is specific to the E2800 series (although I suspect it may apply to similar generations of equipment).
(1) Console cable (speed settings)
For the E2800 Series, you can select 115,200
bps when setting the speed of the serial cable (console cable).
Link : Solved: E-Series E2860 Console access – NetApp Community
(2) SANtricity Storage Manager
(3) Factory initialization
이건 라이센스 등록도 필요할 수도 있어서 왠만하면 하지 않는것을 추천한다.
아무래도 엔지니어를 부르는게 안전해보이며, 대부분 공장 초기화는 패스워드 초기화때문에 고민하는것이 아닐까 싶다.
Link :
(4) Admin password reset
Password reset is difficult to do via the web,
You must use a serial cable (console cable) to connect to the [IOIOI] port.
Once connected,ID : spri
PW : SPRIentry
and you can log in with
You should be able to select a menu to reset your password.
Link :
추천 콘솔 케이블
- USB to RS232 : NEXT-341PL-SC
- RS232 to RJ45 : finding…
CH340 series chips did not connect to NetApp. (painful)
Definitely recommend the above combination.