Brain visualization tool for matlab
Freesurfer 로 surface기반으로 연구를 하다보면,‘Desikan-Killiany’ cortical atlas (ROI)기반으로 데이터를 추출하게 된다. Freesurfer에서 가시화 하는 방법들은 다소 원색 계열을 쓰다보니 예쁘지 않고,ROI기반의 값들을 vertex-wise하게 그리기도 코드...
[Paper summary] An open, multi-vendor, multi-field-strength brain MR dataset and analysis of publicly available skull stripping methods agreement
Souza, Roberto, et al. “An open, multi-vendor, multi-field-strength brain MR dataset and analysis of publicly available skull stripping methods agreement.” NeuroImage (2017). link : From the past...
[PDF] Freesurfer lecture note
I used to do neuroimaging research together at a hospital. So I created ”freesurfer lecture note’ to explain to doctors and fellow teachers. It was...